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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
30 results

The Serviced Apartment Sector in Europe – Changing Gears?

Despite suffering the COVID-19 pandemic alongside the traditional hotel sector, the serviced apartment sector has been weathering the storm better owing to a few key factors that show a stronger resilience to a sudden and fundamental shift in demand. In this article, we examine recent innovations in the sector, give a performance update and explore the serviced apartment pipeline for Europe.

HVS Monday Musings: DCF is the most appropriate method of hotel valuations, especially during the COVID era

This article discusses the reasons why the Discounted Cash Flows method is considered the most appropriate hotel valuation methodology in a market like India. Read on to know more.

Social Media Marketing in the Hotel Industry: Trends and Opportunities in 2017

Mobile phone proliferation and the rise in social media users is poised to present unique opportunities for hotel companies. How are hotels currently utilizing social media marketing and are they ready for the future?

HVS Market Pulse: Downtown Omaha, NE

The landscape of Downtown Omaha continues to evolve as new construction projects within the commercial, hotel, residential, and public sectors move forward.

In Focus: Chicago, IL

Demand from a variety of sources has risen in Chicago, pushing occupancy to a ten-year high in 2015. More than 6,000 new rooms are expected in the market over the next three years, though average rates and hotel values should continue to grow.

Sales Tax Audit!

This description of a sales tax audit is an opportunity to minimize potential problems with sales taxes. While focused on Minnesota much of it applies to any state with sales taxes. Do not construe this article as legal or tax advice.

O desafio de elaborar um bom orçamento

Elaborar um orçamento que agrade tanto à operadora hoteleira quanto aos investidores é uma tarefa bastante difícil. Como então realizar as projeções para que fiquem consistentes e coerentes com o mercado em que o hotel está inserido?

Fundo de Reservas na Hotelaria: por que e quanto reter?

Apesar de muitas vezes não ser praticado pelos hotéis, o fundo de reserva é fundamental para uma gestão sustentável. Entretanto, a falta de informações acaba gerando certa resistência e dúvidas sobre quais as suas finalidades e vantagens.

El Turismo impulsa el Crecimiento

HVS Buenos Aires interviene en varios proyectos en Chile y Perú; emprendimientos que dan fe del incremento de las inversiones en Latinoamérica y las oportunidades para la industria hotelera y turística.

Get Involved in the Legislative Process

Mid-term elections prompted me to reflect back on how my interest in being active in the political process evolved. Some define "active in the political process" as voting in elections while others define it as being a politician or a lobbyist.