Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
86 results

Pandemics and the Lodging Industry

With the Coronavirus scare gaining momentum, this article revisits the 2003 SARS pandemic, seeking insight into the potential impact on individual markets and travel as a whole.

HVS Canadian Hotel Valuation Index In-Depth Insights 2019

The state of Hotel Values in Canada…where are we headed nationally? If you are a Canadian hotel investor or Hotelier this is a must read…the recently released annual HVS Hotel Valuation Index forecast.

Taking the Pulse of the Nation’s Largest Hotel Markets

HVS C&V leaders offer the pulse of their markets heading into the fall season. Out of 23 markets discussed, ten are rated as hot, nine are rated as mild, and the remaining four are rated as cooling.

HVS Market Pulse: Los Angeles, CA

In 2018, Los Angeles welcomed a record 50 million visitors, with hotel occupancies and average rates reaching peak levels. Nevertheless, hotels have begun to feel the effects of new supply. This article provides an outlook for 2019.

Taiwan Hotel Market Update

Amid a decline in Chinese tourists, Taiwan was still able to compensate this loss by expanding the scope and diversity of its tourism economy. Who are the major source markets? And what did Taiwan do to manage this situation?

Canadian Lodging Outlook Quarterly 2017-Q2

The Canadian Lodging Industry experienced 7.0% RevPAR growth through June 2017. Wow! ADR is the main contributor particularly in the Luxury segment caused by the low dollar with Ontario and British Columbia leading the pack.

Canadian Lodging Outlook Quarterly 2017-Q1

In the first quarter of 2017, the Canadian lodging market continues to fire on all cylinders with RevPAR growth outpacing 2016 growth. Alberta and Newfoundland are charting positive growth for the first time in three years!

HVS Market Pulse: Why Aren’t Hotels Being Built in Ski Towns?

Traditional hotel development in ski resort towns has slowed nearly to a halt, with barriers like limited land and high costs putting pressure on new builds. But hotel demand and performance are on the rise and the “barriers” may not be so imposing.

Red-Hot Growth in an Ice-Cold Land: An Overview of Iceland's Hotel Market

Iceland has seen explosive tourism growth since 2010. Summer's midnight sun, Winter's Northern Lights and year-round natural beauty have kept the tourists coming, resulting in strong hotel performance and a booming sharing economy.

In Focus: Niagara Falls Area, Ontario, Canada

The Niagara Falls, ON, region is seeing another record-breaking year in RevPAR growth. The rise in occupancy and average daily rate is expected to continue with the persistence of the weak Canadian dollar and the rise in US/international travellers.