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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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HVS U.S. Hotel Development Cost Survey 2016/17

Each year, HVS researches development costs from our database of actual hotel construction budgets, industry reports, and franchise disclosure documents. These sources provide the basis for our range of component costs per room.

Learnings from and for Africa’s Game-Lodge Industry

As tourist and investor interest grows in the game-lodge industry and wildlife destinations around the world, the article brings to light some peculiarities and challenges of the lodging industry and lists some lessons/best practices for developers.

In Focus: Florence, Italy

This market snapshot presents current data and information on the upscale and luxury hotel and tourism industry in Florence, Italy.

US Hotel Value Gains Moderate as RevPAR Growth Slows and Cap Rates Rise

Hotel assets continued to appreciate in 2016, but at a more modest pace due to slowing RevPAR growth and a rise in cap rates. The stock market rally following the election has led to cautious optimism about what 2017 will bring.

Red-Hot Growth in an Ice-Cold Land: An Overview of Iceland's Hotel Market

Iceland has seen explosive tourism growth since 2010. Summer's midnight sun, Winter's Northern Lights and year-round natural beauty have kept the tourists coming, resulting in strong hotel performance and a booming sharing economy.

In Focus: Greece

This article constitutes an update on the current state of the Greek Hotel Market featuring the latest news regarding the performance of the Greek tourism industry and highlighting recent and upcoming changes in the country’s hotel supply.

In Focus: Student Housing - General Overview and the Greek Reality

Private Student Housing has emerged as a mainstream global asset class. While the USA and the UK are currently well-established as markets for student housing investments, the European market remains relatively unexploited.

In Focus: Austin, TX

Job growth in the Austin-Round Rock MSA, especially with respect to highly skilled, highly educated positions, ranks among the best in the nation.

HVS Key Takeaways: The Southern Lodging Summit 2016

The 2016 Southern Lodging Summit drew a crowd of hoteliers and industry experts to Memphis. While delegates shared optimism about the prospects for growth, the conference shed light on some looming operational challenges facing the region’s hotels.

In Focus: Asheville, NC

Asheville’s hotel industry thrives on tourism, though other demand segments have been making headway. A rise in occupancy and average rate over the past several years is expected to continue, driving hotel development in the city’s downtown.
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