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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
4 results

Thoughts on How the Pandemic Must Affect Greek Tourism

The Greek tourism industry has been hit the hardest; but it has also given people the opportunity to step back and fill in the missing gaps. A need to establish well-organised and empowered DMOs is apparent, in order to upgrade Greece's tourism product. Furthermore, the development of a corporate structure will assist family hotel businesses to entrench a desired financial position against stakeholders.

In Focus: Greece

This article constitutes an update on the current state of the Greek Hotel Market featuring the latest news regarding the performance of the Greek tourism industry and highlighting recent and upcoming changes in the country’s hotel supply.

In Focus: Student Housing - General Overview and the Greek Reality

Private Student Housing has emerged as a mainstream global asset class. While the USA and the UK are currently well-established as markets for student housing investments, the European market remains relatively unexploited.

Market Intelligence Report, Thessaloniki, Greece

The article provides an overview of the Thessaloniki, Greece hospitality industry including recent hotel performance and data on MICE demand and infrastructure developments. A list of recent hotel supply changes is also featured.