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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Fiji in 2007 - Where to from here?

2006 was a difficult year for Fiji’s tourism industry as a result of re-emerging political unrest. Yet with several new large-scale resorts under construction, the future success of Fiji is dependent on continuous growth in tourism visitation.

French Polynesia, investors' paradise?

Sophie Cottom featured in REFJ Fall 2006

Hot for Huatulco

An article written about Huatulco in Mexico by Amanda Marsh at the Commercial Property News magazine.

Hotel Investment Risk: What Are The Chances?

The article illustrates the fundamental risk components inherent in a hotel investment and compares the risk profiles of the various asset classes in the industry.

The Power Of The Per-diem Rate

Several markets in the United States rely heavily on government demand. Changes in the way allowances for government travelers are established can turn markets, for better or worse.

Canadian Lodging Outlook June 2006

Checking In After Six Months
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