Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Chinese Investment Trends in U.S. Hotel Real Estate

Investment out of mainland China in U.S. hotel real estate has been on the rise for years. What’s driving the trend, and how has it affected hotel markets in the U.S.?

In Focus: St. Louis, MO

Hotel values in St. Louis are rising, and RevPAR reached a new high in 2015. A rise in convention bookings, along with expansion efforts aimed at drawing more leisure demand, provide for an optimistic outlook for the city’s hotel industry.

In Focus: Minneapolis, MN

Major events and tourism boosted occupancy and average rate in the Twin Cities in 2015. Hotels stand to benefit from increased visitation in the years to come, keeping average rates and property values on the rise.

HVS Asia Pacific Hotel Operator Guide 2016 - Summary

The report provides owners and investors a unique reference about the presence and scale of 58 international operators with 207 brands, across 798 markets and 6,500 properties in Asia. To purchase the full version with operator profiles, click here.

In Focus: Phoenix, AZ

Phoenix’s growth in 2015 reflects the hopes of hotel developers and owners in the market, as performance closes in on pre-recession levels.

HVS U.S. Hotel Development Cost Survey 2015/16

Each year, HVS researches development costs from our database of actual hotel construction budgets, industry reports, and franchise disclosure documents. These sources provide the basis for our range of component costs per room.

Container Hotel and Prefab Bungalow: Modular Building Construction in China

With a fast changing economic environment and society coming to terms with the ‘new normal’ in China, the modular building system might become one possible remedy to bring momentum to hotel development in China, particularly in remote areas.

集装箱酒店和活动别墅小屋: 中国模块化建筑的建造


2016 Hotel Cost Estimating Guide

HVS Design and Jonathan Nehmer + Associates (JN+A) are proud to announce the completion of the 2016 Hotel Cost Estimating Guide. The Guide is a comprehensive listing of capital expenditure construction and FF&E costs for hotel renovations in the USA.

Key Takeaways: Hunter Hotel Conference

The Hunter Hotel Conference brought out insights from every corner of the industry, marking potential upsets and opportunities to gain ground for U.S. hoteliers in 2016.
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