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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
54 results

OTAs – A Hotel's Friend Or Foe

How reliant are hotels on OTAs? This article aims to address that question and discuss the evolution of OTAs and the effects of this growing business model on independent and chain hotels.

Move Fast and Break Things: How Silicon Valley Thinking Can Shake Up Traditional Hotel Management Practices

Constant questioning and challenging of hotel amenities, services, programs and management practices is critical to discover new ways of elevating the guest experience. Asset managers should encourage management to take risks to innovate.

Segmenting Millennial Travelers Business vs. Leisure

How do you gain the loyalty of millennials? This article analyzes the top two opportunities by segmenting the next generation of travel: millennial business travelers vs. millennial leisure travelers.

Canadian Monthly Lodging Outlook March, 2013

Featuring Reprint of 'A 7-Step Strategy to Manage Hotel Online Guest Reviews'

A 7-Step Strategy to Manage Hotel Online Guest Reviews

Online hotel guest reviews significantly influence the booking decisions of future guests. Implementing the 7-step strategy suggested in this article can improve guest satisfaction and may increase future bookings.

Boutique Segment – The Challenge of Standing Out from the Crowd

As the boutique hotel sector continues to grow, operators must work harder to create a point of difference for their properties as well as to maintain a sense of exclusivity and aspiration, as we investigate this further in the following article.

Hotel Demand Outlook after a (Natural) Disaster

Japan recently registered one of the most devastating earthquakes in recent history, followed by a tsunami and a severe emergency situation at a nuclear power plant. What are the implications for the Japanese Hotel and Tourism Industry?

Social Media And The Entire Buzz...

With close to a 100 million users on Facebook & search giant Google trying to step-up into the Social Media world, is it time that businesses shift focus away from traditional tried-and-tested forms of internet marketing & get more 'Social’?

Internet Remains The Only Growth Channel For Hotels in Recent Years

Considering recent trends, the online channel has been the most dynamic and fast-growing segment of the overall CRS bookings for hotels. Hoteliers can take advantage of this by formulating a well aligned Online Marketing Strategy.