Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
1679 results
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HVS Issues Revised Forecasts for the U.S. Lodging Industry

The outlook for 2010 is for strong demand growth, and the industry is expected to regain stabilized levels of operation by 2014. Hotel values are also improving, fueled by both stronger fundamentals and improving investment market conditions.

Special Report: Asset Management (Team Players). Reprinted with the permission of Hotels magazine

HVS Asset Management & Advisory is featured in Hotels Magazine. The article explores the industry’s evolving approach to asset management. Reprinted with the permission of Hotels magazine.

Importance of Feasibility Studies in Developing Hotel Markets in Russia and CIS

With increasing economic growth since 2009, developing countries once again offer opportunities to investors. Due-diligence is becoming an important aspect of any investment. How can hospitality consultants help investors with Feasibility Studies?

Market Intelligence Report-Madrid 2010

Madrid City Hotels - On the Rocky Road to Recovery?

Momento de Investir no seu Hotel

Ao longo do ano de 2009 as receitas hoteleiras tiveram uma expressiva queda como reflexo da crise financeira mundial, fazendo com que os hotéis tivessem que recorrer à redução de custos para manterem a sua margem operacional.

Israel - Hospitality Struggles and Opportunities

This article provides an overview of the Israel hotel market, documenting trends in tourism and steps the Israeli government is undertaking to reposition itself as a popular tourist destination.



Golf and Resorts - Why Golf is Still Relevant

While there is oversupply of golf in many markets, the tertiary impact of golf on the financial performance of resorts remains the driving force for inclusion. This article explores the impacts of golf on occupancy, rate and revpar at golf resorts.

Os melhores mercados para investir em hotéis - Parte II

É razoável assumir que a necessidade de hospedagem aumenta nas economias em expansão. Contudo, quando se analisa a viabilidade de um novo hotel, deve-se olhar não apenas a demanda, mas sua relação com a oferta: a taxa de ocupação.

O que considerar no momento de renovação de contratos

Saiba quais são alguns dos pontos importantes para renegociação de contratos junto a operadoras hoteleiras
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