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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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HVS Monday Musings: Hotels of the Future – Tech-driven Changes in Hotel Design in the Post-COVID Era

Hotel design and architecture will undergo significant changes in the post-COVID world. This article discusses how technology will be one of the key factors driving and facilitating these changes.

COVID-19 Recovery HVS Global Hospitality Employer Survey

HVS Executive Search executives reached out to hospitality employers across US, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa to understand the current employer sentiment as the industry embarks the recovery zone. The objective of the survey was to “check the pulse” and address the unified response that is critical for the hospitality industry at this stage.

Targeting Hotel Staycation Demand in Canada and Beyond

Due to travel restrictions, Staycations flourished as one of the few remaining sources of leisure demand. We interviewed hospitality experts and conducted a survey to gather data on consumers’ behavior and hoteliers’ response with regards to Staycations in Canada and beyond. Through this article, we share innovative strategies hoteliers can use to develop competing Staycation packages aiming to attract one of the identified Staycations subsegments: Dreamers, Explorers and Business Staycationers.

Hospitality News Middle East Interview with Hala Matar Choufany

Hala Matar Choufany, in her interview with Hospitality News Middle East, discusses the global post-pandemic situation, the new normal and her vision for Lebanon.

HVS Monday Musings: Repurposing Hotels is a Growing Trend Globally

Hoteliers across the globe are repurposing hotel properties to emerge out of the crisis. This article discusses a few such instances.

Virtual Tourism Sentiment Survey Response

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the technology and virtual reality scene in every industry, including travel and tourism. With border restrictions in place, many are not able to travel. Hence, tour companies have introduced online travel experiences to showcase a destination, culture, event, various classes and many more. Is virtual travel the new way to travel? Will virtual travel replace the need for physical travel altogether?

HVS Monday Musings: ‘Vaccine Confidence’ is Driving the Recovery in the Global Travel Sector

The largest vaccination drive is currently underway across the world and is helping in the revival of the global travel sector.

HVS Market Pulse: Fort Lauderdale

Hotels in Fort Lauderdale and the greater market recorded a banner year in 2019. The new decade kicked off a strong start with expectations that the momentum would continue, led by the demand from Super Bowl LIV held in nearby Miami Gardens. However, the onset of COVID-19 in March 2020 brought travel to a sudden standstill across the nation, immediately impacting hotels in the local market.

HVS Monday Musings: Vacation Home Rentals – the Next Big Story in the Making in India

This article discusses some of the factors that have driven the growth of the vacation home rentals segment in India.

The Leaders’ Journey

The Leaders’ Journey is new initiative designed to enable emerging and young talent around the world to access the learnings of business leaders
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