Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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HVS Market Pulse – Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Following nearly a decade of revitalization and growth, COVID-19 delivered a significant blow to Milwaukee similar to what was felt in nearby urban Midwestern cities. Despite Milwaukee’s longstanding history as a manufacturing powerhouse, as well as its strong financial and healthcare sectors, COVID-19 caused hotel demand to fall by 58% and ushered in a wave of work-from-home culture and major event cancellations. Where does Milwaukee go from here, and what was the impact of event cancellations?

Hotel Technology – Impacting the Bottom Line

On 24th February attendees at a webinar hosted by HVS, AlixPartners, Bird & Bird and EP Business in Hospitality heard a distinguished gathering of experts discuss the deployment of current and future developments in technology and its potential impact on Hotel profitability.

HVS Market Pulse: The Florida Keys Lodging Market

The COVID-19 global pandemic has significantly impacted lodging markets across the country; however, each submarket has been affected differently, which has largely depended on the supply and demand forces of that submarket. As a renowned leisure destination that has weathered economic downturns and natural/ecological disasters in the past, the Florida Keys has proven to be resilient, and this recovery should be no different.

2021 New Year Message – Potential for a Huge Rise in Insolvencies and Job Losses in the UK Hotel Sector

Russell Kett takes a look at the year ahead and discusses what the current retrictions in the UK and the current course of the pandemic mean for UK hoteliers.

Outlook for the Latin American Hotel Industry

The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting restrictions on domestic and international travel, economic activity, and individual movement are having an unprecedented impact on the lodging and tourism industry in Latin America. While government authorities across the region work to manage restrictions and phased reopening plans, uncertainty prevails over the duration of the global pandemic.

The Serviced Apartment Sector in Europe – Changing Gears?

Despite suffering the COVID-19 pandemic alongside the traditional hotel sector, the serviced apartment sector has been weathering the storm better owing to a few key factors that show a stronger resilience to a sudden and fundamental shift in demand. In this article, we examine recent innovations in the sector, give a performance update and explore the serviced apartment pipeline for Europe.

Evolution of Hotel Management Agreements and Rise of Alternative Agreements

Hotels are complicated investments and evaluating the most suitable hotel operating model for a hotel investment is crucial to ensure that the owner’s return is optimized. This publication summarizes the evolution of a number key terms in the hotel management agreements and our outlook on how these key terms may evolve in the future, provides an overview of franchise agreements and highlights alternative agreements that are being considered by sophisticated owners in the Middle East region.

The Impact of COVID-19 on the European Hotel Sector

A review of how European hotels have been affected by COVID-19 thus far and a forecast of the expected recovery over the next few years. This article also explores the factors that will influence willing buyers and sellers and looks at different scenarios to assess the evolution of EBITDA and value ranges. Note: This article first appeared in Bird & Bird's quarterly newsletter.

Hotel investors across Europe have ‘wall of money’ and confidence in the sector’s ability to recover

On15th September attendees at a webinar hosted by HVS, AlixPartners, Bird & Bird and EP Magazine heard a distinguished panel of experts debate the impact of the global pandemic on hotel values across Europe and whether it has, in fact, created an investment opportunity.

Opportunity to View the HVS Webinar on Global Hotel Performance & Values: Now and Moving Forward

If you would like to view the recording of the September 8, 2020, global webinar, you can access it here. It covers valuable information about the current state of the hospitality industry across global regions, as well as candid insights into the future of the hospitality industry. You can also access the related slides by clicking on the PDF button above.
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