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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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HVS Monday Musings: Improving Hotel ROI – Thinking Out of Box from Design to Operations

The pandemic is forcing the hospitality sector to rethink and make hotels more viable as developing hotel assets that drive higher ROI is the need of the hour. How can hotels achieve this? Read on to know more.

Federal Per Diem: Fiscal 2020/21 & Historical Trends

This publication provides an overview of upcoming, current, and historical trends in the federal lodging per diem, with a focus on the per-diem rates for the top hotel lodging markets, as defined by STR.

HVS Monday Musings: Why Professional Asset Management Adds Value to Hotel Investors?

Professional Asset Managers are likely to gain significance in the COVID era as Hotel Owners & Investors realize their true value in helping improve hotel performances and yields in these extremely disruptive times. Read on to know more.

Hong Kong Site 3 – A Hotel Perspective

In the coming months, a true gem of a site in the heart of Hong Kong will be sold. Located in front of its iconic skyline, Site 3 measures 4.76 hectares between Jardine House (the one with the round windows) and the Star Ferry pier. We take a look at what could be accomplished here.

HVS India Hotels Outlook: Impact of COVID-19

This report provides a review of how the Indian Hotels sector has been impacted by COVID-19 and a forecast of the expected recovery over the next few years. Download the report to know more.

Social Media Marketing in the Hotel Industry: Trends and Opportunities in 2017

Mobile phone proliferation and the rise in social media users is poised to present unique opportunities for hotel companies. How are hotels currently utilizing social media marketing and are they ready for the future?

HVS Monday Musings: Quality Hotel Supply is the Key to Developing Fledgling Tourist Destinations

Hotels play a key role in creating successful leisure destinations. Good quality hotel supply can go a long way in developing fledgling tourist places into established leisure destinations. Read on to know more.

How Hotel F&B Pivoted in Response to COVID-19, and What the Future Holds

COVID-19 has affected the hospitality and tourism industries in a number of ways, and hotel food and beverage operations is one of the most affected areas. A decline in travel, low occupancy rates, and guests shifting to either cooking at home or preferring drive-thru, curbside, and delivery over eating out has led to hotel F&B rapidly evolving and adjusting their models. Hotels are marketing their eateries to locals, offering contactless food delivery, and enhancing gift card sales.

HVS Monday Musings: Opening New Revenue Streams in the Hospitality Sector

The hospitality sector is venturing into various new revenue generating opportunities in the COVID era. Read on to know more.

Israel Hotel Market Overview 2020 – The Path To Recovery

Tourism arrivals to Israel hit another record in 2019 growing to 4.5 million and resulting in improved hotel performance throughout. This article explores the hotel performance and development pipeline in Israel.
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