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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Market Intelligence Report, Antigua, West Indies

This article summarizes the existing performance of the hotel market in Antigua, West Indies and provides a brief outlook on its tourism industry.

Milan, Italy - Upscale Hotel Market

In this article we present recent tourist visitation trends in the Milan market and consider the upscale hotel performance for the last three years. We also present our performance forecast up to 2016 and discuss the current values of Milan's hotels.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Minneapolis, Minnesota

Awards for quality of life and career development have graced the Twin Cities in recent years, and a growing number of global corporations have established operations in the area. How do hotels stand to benefit from Minneapolis’ economic resurgence?

The Greater China Update - 2Q 2012

The region started the year of 2012 positive, however, growth pace has slowed down in the first quarter compared to previous periods.

Informe de Mercado Madrid vs Barcelona

Este informe trata del mercado hotelero de Madrid y Barcelona, exponiendo datos de 2011 y comparándolos con los de años anteriores. El lector conocerá datos sobre visitantes, oferta y rentabilidad hotelera, sobre todo en el segmento de 5 estrellas.

Canadian Monthly Lodging Outlook April, 2012

Southeast Saskatchewan Hotel Market Snapshot

Hotel Market Snapshot Nairobi, Kenya

Nairobi is one of the key markets in Sub-Saharan Africa. This article explores tourism trends and hotel developments before evaluating hotel performance from 2009 to 2011 and providing five-year forecasts of occupancy, average rate and RevPAR.

2012 Manhattan Hotel Market Overview

HVS, in conjunction with NYU’s Tisch Center for Hospitality, Tourism, and Sports Management, presents the 2012 Manhattan Hotel Market Overview.

2012 Middle East Hotel Survey - The Impact of the Arab Spring

The 2012 Middle East Hotel Survey highlights regional macroeconomics, visitation characteristics, performance indicators and major developments, reinforcing the resilience of the region, poised for recovery and development despite the Arab Spring.

Market Overview Madrid vs Barcelona

The article deals with the hotel and tourism markets in Madrid and Barcelona, reviewing 2011 data and comparing with previous years. The reader will learn about visitation, performance, supply, especially the five-star segment in both cities.
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