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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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HVS Webinar recap: Hotel Franchising - Why is a Hotel Franchise Worth Having?

Last week more than 300 industry executives logged in to join a webinar organised by HVS in partnership with legal expert Bird & Bird, publishing group EP Business in Hospitality and restructuring advisory firm AlixPartners on the subject of Hotel Franchising.

Targeting Hotel Staycation Demand in Canada and Beyond

Due to travel restrictions, Staycations flourished as one of the few remaining sources of leisure demand. We interviewed hospitality experts and conducted a survey to gather data on consumers’ behavior and hoteliers’ response with regards to Staycations in Canada and beyond. Through this article, we share innovative strategies hoteliers can use to develop competing Staycation packages aiming to attract one of the identified Staycations subsegments: Dreamers, Explorers and Business Staycationers.

HVS Monday Musings: Repurposing Hotels is a Growing Trend Globally

Hoteliers across the globe are repurposing hotel properties to emerge out of the crisis. This article discusses a few such instances.

Associate Retention & Motivation In Hotels: Let’s Leave Pandemic Crisis Mode and Focus on Employee Satisfaction Again

The Pandemic’s negative effect on the hospitality industry, especially its ability to hire new associates, will be long felt even as we see signs of recovery. Many have left the industry for other opportunities considered more stable. The more leadership can recognize, motivate, and reward team members, the stronger the chances are of rebuilding and retaining staff for the long term.

COVID-19’s Impact on the Los Angeles Hotel Market

A record-breaking decade of growth in the Los Angeles hospitality market was brought to a halt by COVID-19 in 2020. A year after the start of the pandemic, we explore the changing dynamics of this market.

The Importance of Diversity at all Levels of the Hospitality Industry

Companies in the hospitality industry are choosing to make diversity and inclusion a priority. By doing so, their organization best represents today’s market and also helps them attract and retain the best talent in the industry. Hiring a chief diversity officer, developing an inclusivity strategy, and connecting with their varied client base can ensure that diversity is being addressed at every level and companies are successfully achieving their goals.

HVS Monday Musings: India’s Underserved Leisure Tourism Segment is Leading the Post-COVID Revival

Domestic leisure tourism in India is finally receiving the pedestal it always deserved, with hotel companies renewing their focus on increasing footprint at leisure destinations in the country in the post-COVID era. However, there is significant untapped potential in this segment as India has several fledgling tourist places where travelers still struggle to find good quality branded accommodation.

Hotel Technology – Impacting the Bottom Line

On 24th February attendees at a webinar hosted by HVS, AlixPartners, Bird & Bird and EP Business in Hospitality heard a distinguished gathering of experts discuss the deployment of current and future developments in technology and its potential impact on Hotel profitability.

HVS Monday Musings: Indian Hotels Sector – Performance in 2020

This article provides a summary of the Indian hotels sector's performance in 2020.

Outlook for the Latin American Hotel Industry

The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting restrictions on domestic and international travel, economic activity, and individual movement are having an unprecedented impact on the lodging and tourism industry in Latin America. While government authorities across the region work to manage restrictions and phased reopening plans, uncertainty prevails over the duration of the global pandemic.
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