Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
153 results
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Pains and Gains - Hospitality in GCC

With all the uncertainty that remains around the duration and outcome of this pandemic and its' prolonged impact on the hospitality industry in particular; HVS Hotel Owner and Investor Survey findings highlight hotel's operational status and challenges as well as hotel owners’ requirements to survive. In this AHIC broadcast series, the panelists, both of which are multiple asset hotel owners, discuss with Hala Matar Choufany the current issues and future investment appetite.

Impact of COVID-19 on the Hospitality Industry in GCC

Hala Matar Choufany, in her interview in Arabic on Al Arabiya News summarizes the impact of COVID-19 on the hospitality industry in GCC and how the recovery path looks like.

Paid Publication HVS Asia-Pacific Hotel Operator Guide

The publication continues to serve owners as a reference for which operator has a strong presence in their home market and in potential future markets further ashore as well as key feeder markets across the region.

It provides owners and investors a unique reference about the presence and scale of multiple international operators, across thousands of markets and properties in the Asia-Pacific Region.


HVS Asia-Pacific Hotel Operator Guide Excerpt 2020

HVS Asia-Pacific Hotel Operator Guide Excerpt 2019

HVS Asia-Pacific Hotel Operator Guide Excerpt 2018

HVS Asia-Pacific Hotel Operator Guide Excerpt 2017 

HVS Asia-Pacific Hotel Operator Guide Excerpt 2016

HVS Asia-Pacific Hotel Operator Guide Excerpt 2015

Pandemics and the Lodging Industry

With the Coronavirus scare gaining momentum, this article revisits the 2003 SARS pandemic, seeking insight into the potential impact on individual markets and travel as a whole.

HVS Market Pulse: Vancouver, Washington

Vancouver is experiencing a development renaissance. Instilled with a new sense of confidence by The Waterfront’s ongoing success, Portland’s lesser known neighbor is buzzing with new construction projects, including office, multi-family, retail, and hotels along The Waterfront.

Taking the Pulse of the Nation’s Largest Hotel Markets

HVS C&V leaders offer the pulse of their markets heading into the fall season. Out of 23 markets discussed, ten are rated as hot, nine are rated as mild, and the remaining four are rated as cooling.

Paid Publication HVS Asia-Pacific Hotel Operator Guide 2019

The publication continues to serve owners as a reference for which operator has a strong presence in their home market and in potential future markets further ashore as well as key feeder markets across the region.

For more information about the report, contact Daniel Voellm at Email: [email protected].

Guides from prior years are available for purchase upon request

HVS Market Pulse: Spokane, Washington An Emerging Meeting-and-Group Destination

Spokane is becoming a national meeting-and-group destination following the convention center’s expansion and the opening of a new headquarters hotel in 2015. A greater variety of groups and events are attracted to Spokane, with 2019 tracking to be a record year for the city.

AAHOA 2019 State of the Hotel Industry

Celebrating its 30th anniversary, the Asian American Hotel Owners Association (AAHOA) convention welcomed nearly 9,000 attendees in its most widely attended event in history. Reportedly, one out of every two hotels in the United States is owned by members of this important association.

Paid Publication HVS Asia-Pacific Hotel Operator Guide 2018

The publication continues to serve owners as a reference for which operator has a strong presence in their home market and in potential future markets further ashore as well as key feeder markets across the region.

For more information about the report, contact Daniel Voellm at Email: [email protected].

Guides from prior years are available for purchase upon request

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