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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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HVS Central Florida 2020 State of the Hotel Market

Orlando has long been distinguished as an iconic vacation destination by continuing its ranking as the No. 1 destination in the United States, according to Visit Florida. Since 2013, Orlando has reigned as the nation’s “Most Visited Tourist Destination.” With multiple factors driving Orlando’s appeal, hotel investors and developers are curious as to what is on the horizon for the hospitality market in Central Florida.

Taking the Pulse of the Nation’s Largest Hotel Markets

HVS C&V leaders offer the pulse of their markets heading into the fall season. Out of 23 markets discussed, ten are rated as hot, nine are rated as mild, and the remaining four are rated as cooling.

Taiwan Hotel Market Update

Amid a decline in Chinese tourists, Taiwan was still able to compensate this loss by expanding the scope and diversity of its tourism economy. Who are the major source markets? And what did Taiwan do to manage this situation?

Modular Construction: An Evolution in the Development of Modern Hotels

Though historically associated with residential and low-rise commercial buildings, modular construction has gone more upscale in recent years. What are the benefits, and what should hotel developers consider before going modular?

Hotel Management Contracts in Europe

This article reviews the main terms of hotel management contracts in Europe. The terms provided are broad indications only, and can vary significantly depending on element such as asset class, location, brand, operator and type of investor.

2016 European Hotel Transactions

This article gives an overview of hotel investment volumes in Europe in 2016, discussing trends and forecasts and providing a comprehensive list of single asset and portfolio hotel deals above €7.5 million.

In Focus: Niagara Falls Area, Ontario, Canada

The Niagara Falls, ON, region is seeing another record-breaking year in RevPAR growth. The rise in occupancy and average daily rate is expected to continue with the persistence of the weak Canadian dollar and the rise in US/international travellers.

In Focus: Greece

This article constitutes an update on the current state of the Greek Hotel Market featuring the latest news regarding the performance of the Greek tourism industry and highlighting recent and upcoming changes in the country’s hotel supply.

2015 European Hotel Transactions

This article gives an overview of hotel investment volumes in Europe in 2015, discussing trends and forecasts and providing a comprehensive list of single asset and portfolio hotel deals above €7.5 million.

Seven Steps to Food Cost Control

Former FSU hotel school Professor Dukas' Seven Steps to Food Cost Control from his book, "How to Operate a Restaurant" provides a concise list of things to think about to effectively manage food cost.
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