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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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HVS 2023 European Hotel Valuation Index

European hotel values rise 3% in 2022 in what proved a mixed year for the sector. Read more in our latest European Hotel Valuation Index.

HVS Monday Musings: Indian Hotel Sector – 2022 Performance Review

The Indian hospitality sector made a significant comeback in 2022. Read on to know more.

HVS Monday Musings: Understanding Hospitality REIT

Hotel REITs or InvITs could be a game-changer for the Indian hospitality industry. Read on to know more.

HVS Monday Musings: Indian Hospitality Sector – Crystal Gazing Into 2023

As we turn the page into the new year, let’s take a look at the top trends that are likely to shape the Indian hospitality sector in 2023. Read on to know more.

HVS Monday Musings: Hotel Industry Tapping the Metaverse

Global hotel chains are entering the metaverse because it has the potential to improve the guest experience, boost customer loyalty, streamline operations, and help businesses in forging connections with potential customers. Read on to know more.

Total Spend Can Be Your Friend

Revenue managers should think like options traders. The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent recovery taught hotel operators that average daily rates can be extremely volatile. Revenue-management strategies focused on total guest spend can help mitigate the risk involved in achieving RevPAR share through a high ADR. Management companies need to incorporate techniques and practices to evaluate all possible revenue-generating strategies.

Enhance Your Hotel Team’s Autism Awareness

Autism awareness is an effort HVS supports by engaging with Autism Double-Checked, an organization that provides education and training about this disability. We encourage you and your hotel operations team to contact them and learn more.

Hotel Performance Analysis – What Is It, and How Could It Improve Your Hotel Operation?

In the post-COVID-19 world, the hospitality industry has had to reevaluate and adjust how it does business. From shifting market segments, to redeploying sales teams, to addressing operational challenges, hoteliers have been forced to evolve as they continue the path to recovery. Our Hotel Performance Analysis can help.

HVS Monday Musings: Can the Hotel Lease Model Gain Momentum in India?

Hotel leasing has been a slow starter and is not a preferred model with operators in India. However, this could change with revenue share leases gaining traction. Read on to know more.

Driving GOP During Inflationary Growth and Rising Labor Costs

As the nation is experiencing record levels of inflationary growth, rising wages, and labor shortages, the hospitality industry is encountering extreme difficulty finding workers. How are hotel owners and operators managing rising labor costs and inflationary risk to drive their bottom line during these unprecedented times?
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