Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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PAM – The Most Useful Benchmark for Hotel Investment

This article introduces KPIs that are considered vital in understanding a hotel asset’s performance by considering how efficiently and effectively space is utilised within the hotel operation.

Key Takeaways from the GF Hotels Forum, Q1 2023

This post recaps the SWOT analysis for the U.S. hotel real estate and investment industry as outlined at the GF Hotels Forum in Towson, Maryland.

Can Hotel ADRs Overcome High Inflation?

This report looks at the evolution of UK inflation over the last 50 years and discusses how ADR in London hotels has responded.

HVS Monday Musings: The Road to Net-zero in the Indian Hotel Industry

Despite increased efforts, the Indian hotel industry's sustainability initiatives are still limited to hotel operations. Hotels are often criticized for their conspicuous consumption and a concerted effort to reduce consumption and waste across the board is now needed. Read on to know more.

HVS Monday Musings: Staffing Shortages are Impeding the Aviation Industry's Recovery

The global aviation industry is experiencing severe staffing shortages, which are negatively impacting operations and traveler experience. Skill shortages are not new, but the pandemic has exacerbated them. Continue reading to learn more about how the industry is addressing these challenges.

2021 European Hotel Transactions

HVS discusses the main hotel transactions that took place in 2021 and looks at the trends in single-asset and portfolio transactions over the years.

The Serviced Apartment Sector in Europe 2022 – Navigating the Headwinds

Our Serviced Apartment Sentiment Survey invited 90 lenders, investors, and operators to share their views on the challenges and strategic focus points in 2022 and beyond.

Mergers & Acquisitions

As the economic recovery continues following the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic, the current market is making mergers and acquisitions (M&As) more and more attractive to hotel industry players. This article explores the factors contributing to this trend.

7 Changes the UK's Hotel Sector Can't Afford to Ignore

The pandemic, Brexit and ongoing supply issues have prompted key changes in the UK’s hotel sector, many of which are long-term, if not permanent. HVS London chairman Russell Kett outlines seven changes that businesses can’t afford to ignore as we move into 2022.

HVS Seminar: Resetting the Balance Sheet to be Fit for Recovery - London, 5 October 2021

HVS was joined by 60 delegates in person and at least another 300 online for the latest in our series of webinars on the preparation for the industry as it emerges into the post-pandemic world.
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